Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Made Up (cerita yang dibuat-buat)

Cerita tentang pengorbanan seorang ibu kepada anaknya saat gempa Jepang beredar luas di facebook dan berbagai situs internasional.
Cerita ini "made up" alias dibuat-buat...

mari baca artikel berikut...

-intinya cerita ini dibuat sekedar untuk sensasi agar Jepang mendapat perhatian lebih dunia internasional-
foto tersebut diambil saat gempa di sichuan bukan saat gempa Jepang
Ada beberapa kejanggalan dari cerita yang beredar di di facebook tersebut:
1. anak yang difoto tidak mungkin berumur 3 bulan, umur sebenarnya dalam data gempa
sichuan adalah 3 tahun
2. tidak ditemukan berita tentang cerita ini baik google news maupun situs berita lainnya

berikut artikel asli berbahasa inggris yang penulis dapat dari alamat web:

This story has been on rounds in facebook and blogs:

This is a true story of Mother’s Sacrifice during the Japan Earthquake. After the Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person was worshiping; her body was leaning forward, and her two hands were supporting by an object. The collapsed house had crashed her back and her head.

With so many difficulties, the leader of the rescuer team put his hand through a narrow gap on the wall to reach the woman’s body. He was hoping that this woman could be still alive. However, the cold and stiff body told him that she had passed away for sure. He and the rest of the team left this house and were going to search the next collapsed building. For some reasons, the team leader was driven by a compelling force to go back to the ruin house of the dead woman. Again, he knelt down and used his had through the narrow cracks to search the little space under the dead body. Suddenly, he screamed with excitement,” A child! There is a child! “ The whole team worked together; carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3 months old little boy wrapped in a flowery blanket under his mother’s dead body. Obviously, the woman had made an ultimate sacrifice for saving her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son. The little boy was still sleeping peacefully when the team leader picked him up. The medical doctor came quickly to exam the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cell phone inside the blanket. There was a text message on the screen. It said,” If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” This cell phone was passing around from one hand to another. Every body that read the message wept. ” If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” Such is the mother’s love for her child!!

There is a picture accompanying alongwith:

There are lots of reason this story looks fake. The most huge giveaway is, how can she type a message on her cellphone inside the remains. And if she had a cellphone why didn't she call for some assistance. How can a body become "stiff and cold". It should be limp, right? Also, the baby was still sleeping peacefully after an earthquake? WTF? If this was true, there was a very small chance of baby living, let alone "sleeping peacefully".

What do you guys at /r/skeptic think?

I'm pretty much certain it's made-up. Here's why:

-I can't find a similiar story on Google News using keyword searches. Not finding evidence for a claim doesn't always mean it didn't happen, but it means there's absolutely no reason to think it did.
-The phrase ” If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” doesn't appear in any of the thousands of news sources Google News indexes.
-Using tineye, the image appears to be from an earthquake in SW China in 2008.
[–]jdac 1 point 23 days ago
Nice, I'll be downloading tineye presently.
[–]JosiahJohnson 1 point 23 days ago
Tineye is a web app, I thought...
[–]jdac 2 points 23 days ago
I'm referring to the Firefox plugin, sorry.
[–]JosiahJohnson 1 point 23 days ago

That makes a lot more sense.

[–]jdac 1 point 23 days ago
Yeah,I conflate the Web of Trust plugin with the application itself sometimes too. A bad cognitive habit.
[–]jdac 2 points 23 days ago

I found this story suspicious for different reasons than you. Mainly, in fact by seeming inconsistencies between the photo and the story. Maybe I'm wrong, but the child in the photo looks too big to be three months old, and the earth pit they're in doesn't look like the situation described in the text:

when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks.

What cracks exactly? This pair look like they've been buried. I don't think this is a rock-solid objection, but for better (skepticism) or worse, it raised an eyebrow with me.

In any event, our suspicions proved correct, as TaxandSpendDinosaur points out. And in his source, the image and description match.

Some interesting questions I'd like to see answered about this story is who put the text and image together, and why? Did they create the text, or take it from somewhere else? Given certain "red flags" in the text, this looks like it could have been adapted from a miracle-anecdote of the sort that one's vaguely protestant mother likes to forward to one's email. And if so, by whom and for what purpose? Pious fraud, a prank maybe?

Personally, it's at this point in the story of a fake that things get really interesting to me.
[–]5550674 2 points 22 days ago
The Picture is from 2008 Sichuan earthquake.
[–]fofalina 2 points 16 days ago
You will find the real story at the bottom of this page And yes,the photo is from the Sichuan earthquake 2008.
Why would someone do that? We,who live in Japan have been through hell since march 11th and it's just disturbing to even think that someone might make up a story based on other's tragedy.
[–]dumbdude 1 point 14 days ago
[–]vicksvepolap 1 point 11 days ago*
I'm from Japan and when I looked at this I immediately thought this is made-up. At least this is not a picture from Japan for the following reasons:
1) firefighters' jacket - they don't look like Japanese. Japanese firefighters wear like this:
2) red soil - soil in Japan (particularly the area affected by the earthquake) are more fertile, and it looks more like dark-brown or black.
3) why they are not rescuing!! it looks like the firefighters are doing archeological exploration!! we don't treat the deceased like this!!!
[–]Excentinel 0 points 6 days ago
Not only that, if it were Japan there would be one person with a shovel and they would be making more progress.
[–]The_Giver 2 points 10 days ago*
GOT IT! Google translated story
The caption on the image is (translated from Google): August 31 morning, the fire brigade from the Li Huili County, Xinqiao Town, dig out the rubble remains of two people.
Also there's another image of a nearby area where they are pulling a cow/bull from a ditch.
[–]davidrynn 2 points 8 days ago
This is being passed around facebook. I don't want to be the downer to tell people it's fake. So, it did happen in China (fofalina post - even that is suspect though)?
[–]KayGBee -2 points 14 days ago
true or not its a powerful and interesting story of a mothers love for her child.
[–]80cent 3 points 14 days ago
Definitely loses all power when you realize it's a cheap story sold as truth.

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